Archive for the ‘Training Log’ Category

Help Get Mahmoud Said Back to the Olympics!

Mahmoud(Mou) Said is the most competitive person I know.  In a field like health and wellness that’s saying a lot!  There is an undying faith in him that brings the confidence and humility to succeed.  Mou has endured ACL tears, a fractured tibia and wrist and numerous sacrifices to finish his business in the upcoming […]

Coming in 2012!


5 Tips to Restore Your Fitness

by Ed Gemdjian The New year has been upon us for more than a month now, but I’m sure some of you are still not succeeding in your main resolution.  The truth is, getting fit again is not as easy as making a resolution, but it can be as simple as following some simple guidelines. […]

3 Exercises to Change Your Body Today

by Alberto Vasari

The new year brings about some strange things at the gym.  I’m not talking about the people, more so the exercises and strange equipment.  There is almost a desperation in the eyes of some, trying to find that quick cure all.  The magic pill you’re looking for does not exist, but there is hope, and […]

Drew Zimmerman: The Other 23 Hours

Drew Zimmerman

by Edward Gemdjian If you were to look at Drew Zimmerman exercising this morning, you may have thought “Did he play college baseball or football?” or “What is he training for?” At 6’4″ and a trim 210lb., the Drew of today bares no resemblance to the overweight 17 year old he was after a serious […]

Kettlebell 101: Is it Right for You?

by Edward Gemdjian We’ve all seen them at our gym, some of us may even know that they come from Russia. But the truth is, even though they have been in the main stream, kettlebells remain a relative mystery to most. Kettlebells are actually the predecessor to dumbbells, the first one was literally  a cannonball […]

The World is Ready for the Best Mark Correa to Ever Walk on Stage

Melissa Tarrab

“We had to win, each and every day leading up to this show to come in at top condition. I think we’ve accomplished that and more.”

Bodybuilding for Triathletes? Team Awesome says YES!

by Edward Gemdjian and Paer Gustafsson Former 3 distance Swedish record holder in swimming and current Equinox Tier 3 trainer, Paer Gustafsson, found a new challenge in 2010. When Equinox Fitness hosted an “indoor” triathlon, using spin class cycles a pool and a treadmill, Paer decided to take on the challenge. His top performance earned […]

Look out Worlds… Here Comes Rookie Mark Correa

by Edward Gemdjian Rookie WNBF Pro Bodybuilder and Team Awesome! contributor, Mark Correa, burst onto the scene by winning the Amateur World Lightweight championship last november. At 5’10” Mark knew his 157 lb. of muscle would not be enough to challenge the top natural pros, so the challenge brought to us this January was simple, […]

Hello world!

Hey All, We appreciate your patience as we put the finishing touches on TEAM AWESOME! In the mean time please check out for fitness articles and testimonials for the most awesome team in the city!

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