by Dave N. When I checked myself into City MD for a dull stomach ache last May, I was hardly prepared for the diagnosis that followed: Stage IV Colon Cancer with metastatic spread to the liver. I had zero family history with the illness, and lacked the mutating gene, so I was pretty much just […]
Archive for the ‘Lifestyle’ Category
I thought we were trying to Combat Obesity?

By: Cathy Prince I find it interesting, that more and more establishments are offering a complimentary dessert with purchase. Your incentive to order from us, or to do business with us is this fattening treat that will spike your insulin levels, and bust your gut. Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t a major part […]
A “Model” Client

I work as a fashion model around the globe, so looking good is part of my job description. I’ve always considered myself lucky because I have crazy metabolism, which allows me to remain thin no matter how lazy I am and how horrible my diet is. However, looking good and feeling good is not always the same thing.
Morning In Zucotti Park

by Sebastian Briglia I believe in a peaceful revolution,” said Michael Angelo Bosch, a muscle-bound middle-aged man with sunglasses on and a beret covered with badges. The badges are tiny, and before I get to their message I resolve to read the sign he is holding, which is a full manifesto on a four by […]
5 Tips to Restore Your Fitness

by Ed Gemdjian The New year has been upon us for more than a month now, but I’m sure some of you are still not succeeding in your main resolution. The truth is, getting fit again is not as easy as making a resolution, but it can be as simple as following some simple guidelines. […]
The Psychology of Dieting

January is the month for resolutions. Some of us are determined to save more money this year, while others aim to get engaged or go back to school. Overwhelmingly, New Yorkers are in a mad dash back to the gym, hoping to drop that 5 or 30 pounds the holidays helped pack on. For most of us this isn’t the first time we’ve tried to lose weight. It isn’t the first time the winter blues and decadence of the holidays have caused us to increase a jean size or two. So what then, will be different this year? We’ve done the exercise before, we even bought the Weight Watcher’s Points book last year, it didn’t work. Is there something wrong with us?

by Cathy Prince Ladies, I know that life is hectic, and who doesn’t love their daily does of dessert? (Fat Witch Bakery and I have become best friends) It’s winter, we wear more clothing, which gives us an excuse to put on weight, right? WRONG! I have experienced this winter, the horrible realization of […]
Brunch to Write Home About

I had the pleasure of spending some quality time with my parents, in from Cleveland Ohio, this weekend. We spent the weekend walking all around New York, eating, a little shopping, but mostly we ate.
So of course we had to go to Friedman’s Lunch in Chelsea Market.
Energy Kitchen vs Simple Kitchen

Those of you familiar with Chelsea know of these two take out restaurants, located on opposite ends of 17th Street between 8th and 9th Avenues. Both promise a vision of health, fitness and wellness, but the similarities pretty much end there.
Energy Kitchen is a New York City chain, recently re inventing it’s brand under the banner “Go Healthy”. Their process is, quite frankly, simple: controlled caloric intake and a balance of proteins carbohydrates and healthy fats. No single meal exceeds 540 calories even though the menu boasts cheeseburgers, creamy spinach and even Meatloaf. This is done by using leaner meats such as chicken breast, turkey, bison, and ostrich, low fat dairy, and little or no added salt, herbs and spices. The end result is very clean, and sometimes bland, product which will definitely decrease your daily caloric intake. I suggest Energy Kitchen as a substitute to meals that would otherwise be tragically bad for you. If you’re jonesing for a bacon cheeseburger, Energy will gladly supply you with a bison burger, low fat cheese and canadian bacon for less than half the calories. There is, however, no information as to the sources of Energy Kitchen’s ingredients, which pretty much guarantees that we are not talking about organic, natural, farm raised or sustainable product.