Posts Tagged ‘ed gemdjian’

Beating the Living Daylights out of Cancer

by Dave N. When I checked myself into City MD for a dull stomach ache last May, I was hardly prepared for the diagnosis that followed: Stage IV Colon Cancer with metastatic spread to the liver.  I had zero family history with the illness, and lacked the mutating gene, so I was pretty much just […]

Help Get Mahmoud Said Back to the Olympics!

Mahmoud(Mou) Said is the most competitive person I know.  In a field like health and wellness that’s saying a lot!  There is an undying faith in him that brings the confidence and humility to succeed.  Mou has endured ACL tears, a fractured tibia and wrist and numerous sacrifices to finish his business in the upcoming […]

I thought we were trying to Combat Obesity?

By: Cathy Prince I find it interesting, that more and more establishments are offering a complimentary dessert with purchase.  Your incentive to order from us, or to do business with us is this fattening treat that will spike your insulin levels, and bust your gut. Correct  me if I’m wrong, but isn’t a major part […]

A “Model” Client

I work as a fashion model around the globe, so looking good is part of my job description. I’ve always considered myself lucky because I have crazy metabolism, which allows me to remain thin no matter how lazy I am and how horrible my diet is. However, looking good and feeling good is not always the same thing.

Coming in 2012!


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